Installation - Setup Guide (Amazon S3)

bucketAV is managed and configured via CloudFormation.

  1. Keep the defaults in step 1 of the wizard and click on Next. Step 7
  2. Set a Stack name. We recommend to use bucketav.
  3. Under Required Parameters, set the KeyName configuration parameter to an EC2 Key Pair name.
  4. We also recommend to set the InfrastructureAlarmsEmail configuration parameter.
  5. Review the rest of the configuration parameters. If unsure about a parameter stick with the defaults. Step 8
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Next. Step 9
  7. Keep the defaut setting in step 3 of the wizard. Step 10
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, enable I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources, and click on Next. Step 11
  9. In step 4 of the wizard it is time to review your settings. Step 12
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the Submit button to create the CloudFormation stack to deploy bucketAV. Step 13
  11. The stack status is CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. It typically takes 5 minutes to create the stack. Reload the table from time to time and … Step 14
  12. … wait until the CloudFormation stack status switches to CREATE_COMPLETE. Step 15

bucketAV is now up and running.

Continue to connect your S3 buckets.

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