Overview (#)

The following IAM users, access keys, roles and policies are deployed:

IDPlatformsEnginesFulfillment OptionsPurpose
ScanIAMRoleallallallAllow Scan Fleet EC2 instances to scan S3 objects. See ScanIAMRole.
FlowLogRoleallalldedicated-public-vpc, dedicated-private-vpcRequired for VPC Flow Logs.
DashboardLambdaRole + DashboardLambdaPolicyallallallCustom widgets in CloudWatch dashboard (S3 buckets list with possibility to enable real-time bucket scanning as well as bucketAV version check).
GovernanceLambdaRole + GovernanceLambdaPolicyawsallallGovernance checks to detect unprotected S3 buckets. Only deployed if the Governance configuration parameter is set to true.
CloudflareQueueRole + CloudflareQueuePolicycloudflareallallA CloudFormation custom resource is used to create the Cloudflare Queue.
CloudflareUser + CloudflareAccessKeycloudflareallallIAM user access key is used inside Cloudflare Worker to publish nely uploaded files to the SQS Scan Queue.
SecurityHubIntegrationLambdaRole + SecurityHubIntegrationLambdaPolicyclamavallallCreates findings in Security Hub. Only deployed if the SecurityHubIntegration configuration parameter is set to true.
OpsCenterIntegrationLambdaRole + OpsCenterIntegrationLambdaPolicyclamavallallCreates findings in OpsCenter. Only deployed if the OpsCenterIntegration configuration parameter is set to true.

ScanIAMRole (#)

The Scan Fleet EC2 instances have access to the following AWS APIs:

  • S3 access to read, delete (optional), tag (optional), and list objects and versions (can be restricted to S3 buckets/objects via the S3BucketRestriction configuration parameter and S3ObjectRestriction configuration parameter).
  • KMS access to decrypt S3 objects (can be restricted to KMS keys via the KMSKeyRestriction configuration parameter).
  • SQS access to poll internal Scan Queue.
  • SNS access to publish to internal Findings Topic.
  • CloudWatch access to publish custom metrics under bucketav namespace.
  • CloudWatch access to publish logs to the internal log group.
  • Optional Systems Manager Session Manager access.

You can add additional permissions via the ManagedPolicyArns configuration parameter.

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