
Explore all the Benefits of bucketAV in just 4 Steps

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Protect your files at Your own Pace

It's you pulling the strings. Freely decide what kind of scan you need: real-time, on-access, scheduled or on-demand.

How does it work?

Avoid introducing malware with Real-time Scanning Protect users with On-access Scanning Highest security standards with Scheduled Scanning Scan files whenever needed with On-demand Scanning Scan filescross-account and in multiple buckets

Protect your files keeping control over your data for the highest security standards.

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Safeguarding your Data: here's our Tested method

ScanFleetScanQueueuploadfetchscan jobcreatescan jobdownload fileSecOpstag, quarantine or delete filescanresult

How it works

When uploading a new file to a bucket, S3 or R2 sends a scan task to a queue. One of the virtual machines running bucketAV picks up the scan task. The EC2 instance downloads the file from S3 or R2 and calls the ClamAV® or Sophos® antivirus engine to scan for trojans, viruses, and malware.

Afterward, the scanner sends a report with the scan result to a topic which forwards the message to an email address, Slack channel, Microsoft Teams team, or any HTTPS endpoint. On top of that, the scanner adds a tag to the scanned file and optionally quarantines or deletes infected files.


Keep things Smooth and Easy with Automation

You can sit back and Relax. bucketAV will handle it All: it automatically tags, deletes, or quarantines infected files for You.

How does it work?

Tag objects by default to access the scan result easily Immediately delete infected objects to save you time and worries Quarantine infected objects to prevent unwanted access Move clean objects to another bucket for further processing

You will hardly find an easier way to scan S3 or R2 for viruses, trojans, and malware.

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Crucial data always at your Fingertips

Stay updated about what happens in your buckets. bucketAV will send you operational alarms, news, and tailored reports on file status.

Forget any worries and always know what is happening inside your buckets.

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Leverage maximum Integration for improved Security

Scan and Protect your files by integrating bucketAV into your applications, via HTTPS API, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS and Amazon EventBridge.

How does it work?

HTTPS API (synchronous or asynchronous) Asynchronous Scanning via SQS, SNS and EventBridge

Don't wait any longer to keep your data safe! Get started with bucketAV and let it care for your files.

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Here's a quick summary of bucketAV.

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